Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Annual Conference-Day 2 and Day 3
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Annual Conference-Day 1
We made it to the hotel about 6:00, and got checked in and everything. Of course, the first thing I did was set up my computer. I also did the customary/mandatory “run and jump on the bed”, and yes, it felt AWESOME. The bed is approved.
It rained shortly after we got to the hotel, but not for long, and it didn't rain very hard. It mostly looked dreary. Due to the dreary weather (and the fact that Dominoes’ delivers.), we stayed in the hotel and ordered pizza. It was pretty yummy.
There is this pie place called “Strawn’s”, and OH MY WORD. Their pie is DELICIOUS. Strawn’s isn’t in Baton Rouge, so we HAD to go get pie for desert. Again, it was yummy. We decided to get half chocolate and half coconut, so it would last us three days. (Maybe.) My personal favorite is strawberry, but after a few days, the strawberries would start to get funky. When we go to the one near campus, I’m getting strawberry. :)
All in all, it’s been a relatively uneventful day. I’m about to go check out the pool with Ms. Lenora. :) Tomorrow should be more interesting. :)
Friday, May 20, 2011
How Gays Are Out to Destroy Us All [SATIRE]
The human race is under attack. We are being threatened by a group of people bent on world domination. These people are everywhere; in our schools, at our work places, even in our army. Who are these people that are out to destroy us? The answer is simple: Gay people. And it's not just gay people. Gays and gay rights activists are in cahoots; they're working together to bring about the end of our species.
Many gay rights activists claim that being gay isn't a choice, but that people are "born that way". This is a lie. Of course it's a choice! Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals are willingly choosing a lifestyle where they are constantly bullied, teased, and told they'll be damned for all eternity, simply to outrage society. It's a desperate cry for attention, not just from teenagers, but from adults as well, even the elderly! That's why nine gay teenagers took their own lives in September of 2010: They wanted the attention.[1]
The push for the legalization of gay marriage is another example of the cry for attention. Why else would gays and gay rights activists push so hard for the legalization of gay marriage when they already have an institution that is practically the same: the "Civil Union". Sure, since there are no national standards accompanying"civil unions" or "domestic partnerships", there is the possibility that, while a same-sex couple in Vermont can have health benefits and life insurance to provide for their partner, a same-sex couple in Oregon would have no benefits available, should one of them get sick or die.[2,3] There is a very simple solution to this: don't get sick. Or you could just move to Vermont.
This cry for attention, these rallies and parades, are all part of an underlying plot to turn everyone else in the world gay, and, therefore, cause humans to go extinct. By convincing everyone that being gay is acceptable, and then turning everyone gay, gays would cause human reproductive rates to decline until we were no longer producing any offspring. After that happens, it's just a matter of time until everyone dies, and the human race is no more.
We must prevent this terrible outcome by continuing to ostracize and reject these masochistic attention seekers, and drive them to suicide, so that there are no more gays, lesbians, or bisexuals left to threaten our race. Push them into lockers, deny them the right to life insurance to provide for their partner, condemn them, damn them, so that they won't tempt others, and destroy everything man has worked for. It's not discrimination. It's self preservation!
1. http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/septembers-anti-gay-bullying-suicides-there-were-a-lot-more-than-5/discrimination/2010/10/01/13297
2. http://www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/2010/bills/Passed/S-115.pdf "Marriage is the legally recognized union of one man and one woman two
people. When used in this chapter or in any other statute, the word “marriage”
shall mean a civil marriage. Terms relating to the marital relationship or
familial relationships shall be construed consistently with this section for all
purposes throughout the law, whether in the context of statute, administrative
or court rule, policy, common law, or any other source of civil law."
3. http://www.leg.state.or.us/orcons/orcons.html "Section 5a. Policy regarding marriage. It is the policy of Oregon, and its political subdivisions, that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or legally recognized as a marriage. [Created through initiative petition filed March 2, 2004, and adopted by the people Nov. 2, 2004]"
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
On A Friend.
None of us saw it coming.
The loss of someone so routine is devastating. I know that I, personally, took his presence for granted. He always was there, and he would always be there, asking about the newest trip for youth, or checking in to see how I was doing.
What amazed me was the church's response. He died around 9:00 PM. By the time my parents got the news (around 10:30 PM) several of the men in the church had already made it to his wife's house, and several women were already on their way. One couple in the church sent their children to their grandparent's house (also members of the church), so the couple could go be with his wife.
The church flocked to her side.
We may not always agree on theology, and we may not agree on how the church should work.
But when a person in the church needs someone, we're there. We are a family. We support each other.
I guess the church's response shouldn't have amazed me. People coming together is nothing new.
The church's response comforted me. It was comforting to know that, even if it's 10:30 at night, someone will be there.
I felt that comforting presence after the death of my great grandmother two years ago, and then again after the death of my grandmother last fall.
It's different when you look at it from the outside. It's different when you're not the one consumed with grief, and can see the church coming together. Don't get me wrong. I'm grieving. He was a friend of mine, and a big part of my life. But the focus is on his family, and those who knew him better than I did.
People sometimes ask where you see God at work.
I saw God at work through him.
I see God at work right now, in the rush to comfort his family, in the rush to help the younger ones understand what's going on, and yes, in the grief of the church. We can't always come together on issues, but we can come together to love.
Thank-you for being such an important person in all of our lives. You certainly made an impact.
There are not words that can express the loss that we feel.
You will be missed.
Please, rest peacefully.